About Us
Nugroho & Rekan (NNR) was established in 2006. As a certified public accountants NNR provides professional services and advice to meet your organisation’s requirement in the areas of auditing, accounting, tax and financial advisory services.
NNR is managed by qualified, dedicated and responsible professionals. Our employees will provide high quality services that create value to our clients in accordance with the Public Accountant Professional Standards and the Public Accountant Code of Ethics. We also have registered at several institutions as partner, such as : Otoritas Jasa Keuangan - Bapepam-LK (Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan/Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Board); Bank Indonesia; Bank Mandiri; BPK (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan/Government all Audit Office); Perusahaan Pengelola Asset (Assets Management Company).
Be a professional partner in the values of independence, integrity and professionalism.
Committed to create mutually beneficial relationships and to provide added value to clients for the services provided.
What Make Us Different
Our objective is to provide services that will add value to our clients. We realize the only way to create value for our clients is through adequate quality human resources. Therefore, we only accept experienced personnel in accordance with their fields.
We are committed to provide a significant contribution to your success. We believe that by implementing our values: communication, timeliness, accuracy, reliable, respect and honest, in each aspect of our everyday activity will enhance our ability in assisting you to achieve success.